-2021 Bonnassieux, Yvan, et al. "The 2021 flexible and printed electronics roadmap." Flexible and Printed Electronics 6.2 (2021): 023001.
-2020 Tsung‐Ching Huang, Ting Lei, Leilai Shao, Sridhar Sivapurapu, Madhavan Swaminathan, Zhenan Bao, Kwang‐Ting Cheng, Raymond Beausoleil., “Process design kit and design automation for flexible hybrid electronics” in Journal of the Society for Information Display.
-2019 Lei, T., Shao, L. (Co-first), Zheng, Y., Pitner, G., Fang, G., Zhu, C., Li, S., Huang, Beausoleil, R., Wong, H. - S., Huang, T. - C., Cheng, K. - T., and Bao, Z. “Low-voltage High- performance Flexible Digital and Analog Circuits based on Ultrahigh-purity Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes”, in Nature Communication.
-2019 Shao, L., Huang, T. - C., Lei, T., Chu, T.-Y., Bao, Z., Beausoleil, R., Wang, M. and Cheng, K. - T., “Compact Modeling of Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Hybrid IoT Design”, in IEEE Transaction of Design & Test.
-2017 Ting Lei, Ming Guan, Jia Liu, Hung-Cheng Lin, Raphael Pfattner, Leo Shaw, Allister F McGuire, Tsung-Ching Huang, Leilai Shao, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Jeffrey B-H Tok, Zhenan Bao., “Biocompatible and totally disintegrable semiconducting polymer for ultrathin and ultralightweight transient electronics” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
-2021 Shao, L. and Cheng, K. - T., “High-fidelity and Large-area Flexible Hybrid Sensing System”, in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems FLEPS.
-2020 Shao, L., Lei, T., Huang, T. - C., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T., “Robust Design of Large Area Flexible Electronics via Compressed Sensing”, in 57th Design Automation Conference (DAC).
-2019 Shao, L., Li, S., Lei, T., Huang, T. - C., Beausoleil, R., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T., “Ultra-thin Skin Electronics for High Quality and Continuous Skin-Sensor-Silicon Interfacing”, in 56th Design Automation Conference.
-2018 Shao, L., Lei, T., Huang, T. - C., Beausoleil, R., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T., “Compact Modeling of Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Circuit Design”, Best Paper Awards Nomination, in Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Dresden, Germany.
-2018 Shao, L., Lei, T., Huang, T. - C., Beausoleil, R., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T., “Process Design Kit for Flexible Hybrid Electronics”, (Invited paper) in in 23rd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC).
2017 Huang, T. - C., Shao, L., Lei, T., Beausoleil, R. G., Bao, Z., and Cheng, K. - T. Tim, “Robust Design and Design Automation for Flexible Hybrid Electronics”, in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS).