在航空发动机燃烧机理研究、计算成像、计算光谱和多学科交叉领域的国际权威期刊,如Science(3), Nature Communications, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science(2), Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids), Combustion and Flame, Applied Physics Letters, Photonics Research等发表论文百余篇。
◆ Yoon, Hoon Hahn, et al. "Miniaturized Spectrometers with a Tunable van der Waals Junction",
Science, 2022, 378(6617), 296-299.
◆ Uddin, M.G., Das, S., Shafi, A.M. et al. Broadband miniaturized spectrometers with a van der Waals tunnel diode.
Nature Communications 15, 571 (2024).
◆ Cai, W., Yang, Z., Sun, Z. Hasan, T., Simple yet powerful.
Nature Photonics (2024).
◆ Fan Peng, Hecong Liu, Chengdong Kong, Xiaocheng Mi, Bo Tian, Yutao Zheng, Shijie Xu and Weiwei Cai, Micro-explosion of burning iron particles with carbon impurity,
Combustion and Flame, under review.
◆ Marcel N. Müller, Qian Wang, Weiwei Cai, Franz J.T. Huber, Stefan Will, Tomographic single-shot time-resolved laser-induced incandescence for soot characterization in turbulent flames,
Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 2024, 105262
◆ Fan Peng, Chengdong Kong, Hecong Liu, Xiaocheng Mi, Shijie Xu, Yingzheng Liu, Weiwei Cai*, Ignition and combustion of a single iron particle with impurities in hot post-flame gas flow,
Combustion and Flame, 2024, 113509.
◆ Qian Wang, J. Huang, H. Liu, Z. Qin, W. Cai*, 3D particle sizing, thermometry and velocimetry of combusting aluminized propellants,
Combustion and Flame, Volume 247, 2023, 112500.
◆ Jianqing Huang, Shen Li, David Sanned, Leilei Xu, Shijie Xu, Qian Wang, Mehdi Stiti, Yong Qian, Weiwei Cai, Edouard Berrocal, Mattias Richter, Marcus Aldén, Zhongshan Li, A detailed study on the micro-explosion of burning iron particles in hot oxidizing environments, 238,
Combustion and Flame, 2022, 111755.
◆ J Huang, S Li, W Cai, Y Qian, E Berrocal, M Aldén, Z Li, Quantification of the size, 3D location and velocity of burning iron particles in premixed methane flames using high-speed digital in-line holography, 230,
Combustion and Flame, 2021, 111430.
◆ Shijie Xu, Yue Qiu, Leilei Xu, Jianqing Huang, Shen Li, Elna JK Nilsson, Zhongshan Li, Weiwei Cai, Marcus Aldén, Xue-Song Bai, Phase change and combustion of iron particles in premixed CH4/O2/N2 flames,
Combustion and Flame 259, 113171, 2024.
◆ D. Govender, H. Liu, F. Peng, W. Cai, N. Worth, Tomographic reconstruction of an azimuthally forced flame in an annular chamber,
Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 2022.
◆ F. Peng, H. Liu, W. Cai*, Combustion diagnostics of metal particles: a review, Measurement Science and Technology. 34 (2023) 042002.
◆ J. Huang, S. Li, Y. Zi, Y. Qian, W. Cai*, M. Aldén and Z. Li, Clustering-based particle detection method for digital holography to detect the three dimensional location and in-plane size of particles, 2021, 055205.
Top-cited paper award 2024
[1] S. Grauer, K. Mohri, T. Yu, H. Liu, W. Cai*, Volumetric emission tomography for combustion processes,
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 94:101024.
[2] Zongyin Yang, Tom Albrow-Owen, Weiwei Cai*, Tawfique Hasan*, Miniaturization of optical spectrometers,
Science, 2021, Vol. 371, Issue 6528, eabe0722
[3] W. Cai and C. F. Kaminski, "Tomographic absorption spectroscopy for the study of gas dynamics and reactive flows".
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science,(2017) 59: p.1-31.
[4] Huang J, Liu H, Cai W. Online in situ prediction of 3-D flame evolution from its history 2-D projections via deep learning.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019;875:R2.