题目:Neural Oscillations in Mental and Neurological Disorders/High-frequency Oscillations Riding Spikes: An EEG Biomarker that Delineates Epileptogenic Sources
时间:2023年9月22日 9:30-11:30
地点:德赢vwin055 F103会议室
邀请人:孟建军 教授(工程热物理研究所)
报告题目:Neural Oscillations in Mental and Neurological Disorders
报告人:江海腾 研究员(浙江大学脑与脑机融合前沿科学中心)
江海腾,美国明尼苏达大学和卡内基梅隆大学生物医学工程系博士后。目前为浙江大学脑与脑机融合前沿科学中心研究员,主要研究方向为医学大数据的人工智能、神经工程和计算神经科学。作为项目负责人,主持科技创新2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目青年科学家项目,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)和国家自然科学基金面上项目等。相关研究成果以第一作者或合作者的形式在Advanced Science、Nature Communication、PNAS、Annals of Neurology、Neuropsychopharmacology、NeuroImage和Cerebral Cortex等高水平期刊发表,谷歌学术H指数为15。
Buildings are becoming more energy efficient, i.e., sustainable, but the limits to their energy efficiency are not well known. After an overview of building energy trends in the USA and worldwide, an analysis is presented of an ideal, all-electric residential home in the USA that defines the ultimate minimum energy consumption of an ‘ideal’ house, akin to the Carnot efficiency of an engine or the Carnot coefficient of performance of a refrigerator. Given that heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) remains one of the largest energy end uses in buildings, the presentation concludes with a discussion of cooling technologies that are becoming more and more important with ongoing global warming.
报告题目:High-frequency Oscillations Riding Spikes: An EEG Biomarker that Delineates Epileptogenic Sources
报告人:蔡正祥 博士(卡耐基梅隆大学)
蔡正祥,现于卡耐基梅隆大学生物医学工程系担任博士后研究员,主要研究方向为电生理信号处理、神经信号成像、计算神经科学,以及癫痫相关的生物标记和病理学分析。目前以第一作者或合作者的形式在国内外高水平杂志《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》、《Nature Communications》和《Annals of Neurology》等发表多篇论文,并已获得3项专利。此外,担任《Brain》、《IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems》和《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》等期刊的审稿人。
Epilepsy, affecting millions worldwide, often demands the surgical removal of epileptic tissues to curtail seizures, contingent on precise localization of the epileptic foci. One potential electrophysiological biomarker for this task is High-frequency oscillations (HFOs). However, translating noninvasive HFOs into clinical application remains challenging due to the difficulty in discerning pathological HFOs from other high-frequency activities and the inherent noise in noninvasive scalp recordings. This study introduces findings that highlight the consistent overlap of HFOs with epileptiform spikes (termed pHFOs). Such overlap not only aids in automatically pinpointing pathological HFOs but also marks an epileptiform spike subset with elevated epileptic relevance. The study unveils marked morphological and source imaging findings in HFOs and spikes based on their concurrent status. These revelations suggest that the synergistic analysis of HFOs and spikes can distinctively classify pathological activities, offering a pivotal noninvasive diagnostic tool for both pre- and post-operative evaluations in epilepsy patients.