Prof. Gang Feng学术报告会

题目:Distributed Adaptive Event-Triggered Control of Multi-Agent Systems

时间:2024年3月27日 14:30-16:00

地点:德赢vwin055 振华会议室

邀请人:朱向阳 教授(机器人研究所)



Gang Feng received the B.Eng and M.Eng. Degrees in Automatic Control from Nanjing Aeronautical Institute, China in 1982 and in 1984 respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Melbourne, Australia in 1992.

Professor Feng was a Senior Lecturer/Lecturer, University of New South Wales, 1992-1999. He has been with City University of Hong Kong since 2000, where he is now a Chair Professor of Mechatronic Engineering. He has received Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award, the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Outstanding Paper Award, the outstanding research award and President award of CityU, and several best conference paper awards. He is listed as a SCI highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics since 2016. He is an author of one research monograph entitled “Analysis and Synthesis of Fuzzy Control Systems: A Model Based Approach”, and over 450 SCI indexed papers including over 200 in IEEE Transactions. His research interests include intelligent systems and control, networked control systems, and multi-agent systems and control.

Professor Feng is a fellow of IEEE. He has been the Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Mechatronics, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, Journal of Guidance, Navigation & Control, and Journal of Control Theory and Applications. He is also on the advisory board of Unmanned Systems.



In this talk event-triggered control will be first briefly overviewed. The motivation and major event-triggering mechanisms will be discussed. The challenging issue on exclusion of Zeno behavior will be highlighted. Then the problem of distributed adaptive event-triggered control of heterogeneous multi-agent systems will be considered. A fully distributed adaptive even-triggered control scheme will be presented for output consensus of such multi-agent systems. It is shown that the output consensus problem can be solved by the proposed adaptive event-triggered control scheme if a necessary and sufficient condition is satisfied. The feasibility of the proposed control scheme is discussed by excluding Zeno behavior. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.




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